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Tenacious Representation For Drug Violation Charges

Greg Gladden Attorney At Law represents people across the Houston metropolitan area charged with many types of drug crimes. He is knowledgeable counsel who can fight drug possession, distribution and trafficking charges at the state and federal level. Mr. Gladden has represented clients facing charges of all sizes, from misdemeanor possession to international drug smuggling.

Mr. Gladden has nearly 40 years of criminal defense experience and a commitment to fighting for his clients. He works to not only beat his clients’ criminal cases but can also help them with deferment and drug treatment programs. If the federal government seizes a person’s assets even though they were not convicted of a crime, Mr. Gladden will fight to get back their property.

Skilled In Handling Civil Rights Abuses And Drug Cases

Mr. Gladden understands that the criminal justice system has systemic problems which can lead to civil rights abuse. He uncovers these abuses of powers and takes law enforcement to task for their misconduct. Mr. Gladden has received many awards for his focus on defending his clients’ rights.

Talk To A Seasoned Texas Criminal Defense Lawyer

Having an attorney guide a drug violation case from the beginning prevents mistakes and puts the defendants in the best possible position. Call Mr. Gladden at 713-880-0333 or send an email to schedule a free consultation. Se Habla Español.

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